31 Days of Horror at MoPOP

Leaves crunch under your feet. A cool wind sends a chill up your spine. In the distance—is that someone watching you?

31 Days of Horror is MoPOP's annual celebration of all things macabre in pop culture with a full month of horrifying events, articles, playlists, and videos.

For the 2018 campaign, I focused my content on classic slashers to compliment the anticipated release of the newest Halloween film.

Responsible for campaign messaging, blog content, social media, live event coverage, and video.

The Undeniable Influence of John Carpenter

There may have been terrifying, unknowable monsters before Michael Myers, but they pale in comparison to Carpenter’s iconic creature, who was originally credited only as “the Shape” in the 1978 classic Halloween.

What Carpenter understood was that monsters become more effective when the audience has less information about them. “He had no character. He was blank,” Carpenter told CBS in a 2017 interview. “He was simply evil.”

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Michael Myers Costume at MoPOP
Gizmo Puppet at MoPOP

Explaining Gizmo

There are a lot of spooky artifacts down in Scared to Death: The Thrill of Horror Film, but not even the most terrifying artifacts get as much attention as our Gizmo puppet from Gremlins.

While it makes sense that people would be excited to see such a beloved character, there’s another reason why little Gizzy is the star of so many Instagrams.

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Social Media
Campaign Stats

119,526 Impressions
6,509 Engagements

24,4608 Impressions
4,526 Engagements


Skeleton in Scared to Death at MoPOP

I partnered with Vulcan A+E and Cinerama to produce some truly creepy promotions for our upcoming Halloween events.

I worked collaboratively with my team to define the concept, create story boards, and assist with production.